Refresher Course on Biotechnology and Modern Molecular Biology Techniques for Teachers/Lecturers

Refresher Course on Biotechnology and Modern Molecular Biology Techniques

January 11–23, 2010

Sponsored by
Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore
Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi
The National Academy of Sciences, India, Allahabad

in colloaboration with

Manipal Life Sciences Centre, Manipal University, Manipal

A Refresher Course on ‘Biotechnology and Modern Molecular Biology Techniques’ for graduate and post-graduate college/University teachers will be held at Manipal Life Sciences Centre, Manipal University, Manipal from 11 to 23 January 2010.

The objective of this short term Refresher Course is to give the participants a hands-on training on some advanced laboratory techniques and the theory behind them. A variety of teaching methods like lectures, discussion and laboratory work will facilitate the learning process. The course will help the participants to gain and sharpen their skills on biotechnology and molecular biology techniques. This training is expected to provide them with necessary knowledge enabling them to handle more efficiently modern instruments used in Life Sciences and Biotechnology. The skills gained during this workshop will effectively fulfil their role as better researchers and teachers in teaching undergraduate/post-graduate students. The course will consist of lectures and practicals/demonstration/hands-on training.

Teachers who wish to participate in the Refresher Course may send their application on plain paper with the following details: name, date of birth, sex, e-mail, official and residential address, telephone and mobile numbers, academic qualifications starting from B.Sc. onwards, teaching experience, courses taught, positions held and a statement indicating reasons for interest in participating in the course and their expectations from the course. Twenty selected teachers will be provided local hospitality and round trip actuals of bus fare/train fare (3-tier AC) by shortest route.

The applications may be sent to:

Dr K. Satyamoorthy
Course Co-ordinator
Refresher Course on Biotechnology and Modern Molecular Biology Techniques
Manipal Life Sciences Centre
Planetarium complex
Manipal University, Manipal 576 104
Tel: (0820) 292 2058, Fax: (0820) 257 1919

Last date for receipt of application: 10 October 2009

Advertisement for Refresher Course on Biotechnology and Modern Molecular Biology Techniques for Teachers/Lecturers

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