Showing posts with the label BytesBioShow All
📣 Jumping Leech! Seen on video for the First Time
Black Apples – The Rare & Dark Fruit
A camouflaged glassfrog, these frogs remove RBCs from circulation and hide them in their livers
To live longer, healthy sleep & avoid exposure to light at night : Read Article on Secret to a Longer Lifespan
COVIFENZ | World’s First Plant-Based COVID-19 Vaccine
Onagadori | Japanese Chicken With Long Tail Feathers
Purple Tomato Finally Go on Sale in the US
Voice for BT | Watch Live India's Finest Biotech Students Sharing their thoughts | 20th December 2021
NIRF Rankings 2020:  IISc, JNU and BHU best universities in India
IISc Project Coswara: COVID19 Diagnostic Tool for Submitting Your Voice Samples
Mutant Enzyme to Break down and Recycle Plastic bottles | Report in Nature
Today Science Humor 15 | DNA and RNA Visually
NASA: Lettuce grown in Space as nutritious as ones on Earth
Today Science Humor 14 | Disappointing Moments in Evolution
Ethionine: Researchers Find Rare Amino Acid
Animal that Lacks Mitochondrial Genome, Doesn’t Need Oxygen to Live
Images of new Coronavirus just released
Researchers Find Mitochondria Floating in Human Blood
A Company is Developing a Protein from Air using Microbe !
Indian Cobra Genome Sequenced