DBT JRF Vacancy in Zoology/Molecular Biology @ BHU Varanasi


Junior Research Fellow (JRF) @ Rs. 12000/- (HRA)

DBT funded research scheme entitled "Studies on Adiposity and its effects on ovarian activity in a vespertilionid bat" sanctioned for a period of three years. The post is purely temporary and coterminous with the project.

MSc in Zoology/Life Sciences or relatd subject

NET/GATE qualification and knowledge and concept in Molecular Biology is desirable.

Preference will be given to SC/ST and women candidates.

Age limit is 28 years.

Application on plain paper along with detailed Bio-data, attested copies of all degrees/mark sheets and certificates, a brief write up of previous research experience a recent photograph and 2 testimonials from teachers should reach to Prof. Amitabh  Krishna, Department of Zoology, BHU, Varanasi 221005 within 21-days of the advertisement (advertised date 3 June 2010). 

No TA/DA will be paid if called for interview.

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