National Cancer Center Korea Cancer Molecular Epidemiology Postdoc Vacancy

National Cancer Center
South Korea

Postdoctoral Position

One postdoc position is available at the Carcinogenesis Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Management, National Cancer Center, Ilsan South Korea in the area of cancer molecular epidemiology.

The work includes investigations on the interaction of genes with the risk of cancer (mainly breast and cervical) using methods like SNPs analysis, validation, and molecular profiling. Candidate may also take part in other projects like investigations on the effect of anticancer drugs and the expression of genes and molecules in cancer signaling.

Candidate should have awarded with PhD degree in Biological Science with experience in above areas. Salary and benefits are commensurate with academic qualification.

Eligible candidates may send detailed CV (academically written) and one page abstract of the previous research work in correlation with proposed postdoctoral work. 

Contact: Dr. Siddhartha Mishra ( 

Application deadline: 5th July 2015 

Expected start time: September 2015

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