
GATE 2018 Notification | GATE Online Applications Website Opens 1st September 2017

GATE 2018
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering

1. Introduction

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an examination conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and the seven Indian Institutes of Technology (at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) on behalf of the National Coordination Board (NCB)-GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.

Qualifying in GATE is a mandatory requirement for seeking admission and/or financial assistance to: (i) Master’s programs and direct Doctoral programs in Engineering/Technology/Architecture and (ii) Doctoral programs in relevant branches of Science, in the institutions supported by the MHRD and other Government agencies. Even in some colleges and institutions, which admit students without MHRD scholarship/assistantship, the GATE qualification is mandatory. Further, many Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have been using the GATE score in their recruitment process.

The information in this brochure is mainly categorized into Pre-Examination (Eligibility, Application Submission, Examination Centres, etc.), Examination (Pattern, Marks/Score, etc.) and Post-Examination (Answers, Contests, Results, Scorecard, etc.) sections.

2. About GATE

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is basically an examination on the comprehensive understanding of the candidates in various undergraduate subjects in Engineering/Technology/Architecture and post-graduate level subjects in Science. GATE 2018 will be conducted for 23 subjects (also referred to as “papers”) and it would be distributed over 3rd, 4th, 10th & 11th of February 2018. The GATE examination centres are spread in different cities across India, as well as, at six cities abroad. It would purely be a Computer Based Test (CBT).

The GATE score would reflect the relative performance level of the candidate in a particular subject, which is quantified based on the several years of examination data. Note that the GATE 2018 score is valid for THREE YEARS from the date of announcement of the results.

2.1. Administration

GATE is administered jointly by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (namely, IITs at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee). The GATE Committee, which comprises of representatives from the administering institutes, is the sole authority for regulating the examination and for declaring the results. For administrative purposes, the examination cities in India are segregated into eight zones. The operations related to GATE, in each of the eight zones, are managed by a Zonal GATE Office at the administering institute (IIT or IISc). Table 2.1 gives details of the zones and the corresponding administering institutes.

One of the administering institutes is designated as the Organizing Institute (OI), and it would be responsible for the end-to-end process, as well as, the overall coordination amongst GATE 2018 the administering institutes for conducting GATE. The Organizing Institute for GATE 2018 is Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG).

Table 2.1 Zones and the corresponding administrative institutes for GATE 2018

Zone Administering Institute GATE 2018 Zonal Websites

Zone-1 Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Zone-2 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Zone-3 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Zone-4 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Zone-5 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Zone-6 Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Zone-7 Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Zone-8 Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

2.2. Scholarship/Assistantship for Post-graduate Programs

To avail the financial assistance (scholarship/assistantship), the candidate must first secure the admission to a program in one of the central government supported institutes, by a procedure that could vary from institute to institute. Depending upon the norms adopted by a specific institute or department of the institute, a candidate may be admitted directly into a course based on: his/her performance in GATE only; or based on his/her performance in GATE and an admission test/interview conducted by the department to which he/she has applied and/or the candidate’s academic record. In the test/interview based selection procedure, as per the MHRD guidelines, a minimum of 70% weightage will be given to the performance in GATE and the remaining will be given to the candidate’s performance in test/interview and/or academic record. However, the admitting institutes could prescribe a minimum passing marks in the test/interview.

Candidates are advised to seek the complete details of the admission procedures and the availability of MHRD scholarship/assistantship from the corresponding admitting institutions.

The criteria for postgraduate admission with scholarship/assistantship could be different for different institutions. The management of the post-graduate scholarship/assistantship is also the responsibility of the admitting institution. Similarly, reservation of the seats for different categories will be as per the policies and norms of the admitting institution and the Government of India rules.

The admitting institute may also specify the number of candidates who will be provided financial assistance (scholarship), if admission is secured. Qualification in GATE is also a minimum requirement to apply for various fellowships awarded by many Government organizations.


1. Call for admissions to M.Tech./Ph.D. will be advertised separately by the respective institutions and GATE committee is not responsible for the admission process.
2. GATE zonal offices will not entertain any enquiry about admission, reservation of seats and/or award of scholarship/assistantship.
2.3. Use of GATE score for Employment

In the past, several Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have used GATE scores to shortlist the candidates for employment. A few such organizations are: Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and Power Grid Corporation of India.

Direct recruitment to Group A level posts in Central government, i.e., Senior Field Officer (Tele), Senior Research Officer (Crypto) and Senior Research Officer (S&T) in Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India, is now being carried out on the basis of GATE score. The details of the scheme of recruitment are normally published in National Newspapers/Employment News by the concerned authority.

Some other Government of India Organizations have also expressed their interest to utilize GATE 2018 score for their recruitment purpose. 

Note: GATE administration is not responsible for employment opportunities. The qualified candidates must check newspapers and other reliable sources for any such information.

3. About GATE 2018

 IIT Guwahati is the organizing institute for GATE 2018.
 Information website for GATE 2018 is
 GATE 2018 will be conducted on 23 subjects (also referred to as “papers”).
 Examination for all the 23 subjects (papers) will be conducted as ONLINE Computer Based Test (CBT).

o The online examination paper will contain some questions for which numerical answers must be keyed in by the candidate using the virtual keypad. Rest of the questions will be of Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) type. The Candidates will use ONLY an on-screen virtual calculator provided for the examination.

 A candidate can appear only in ANY ONE paper of the GATE examination.
 GATE 2018 examinations will be held during the forenoon and afternoon sessions on 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th of February 2018.

o Examination for some of the papers in GATE 2018 may be held in multiple sessions. However, a candidate can appear for the examination in one session ONLY.

o Exact details of the complete examination schedule will be notified later on the GATE 2018 website.

 Candidates have to register and fill the application via ONLINE mode ONLY at GATE Online Application Processing System (GOAPS). The link will be made available on GATE 2018 website (

o The entire process of filling up of the application form and uploading of certificates/documents, etc. is in online mode only. The candidates should not send any hard copy of his/her application form/documents etc. to IIT Guwahati or any of the zonal GATE offices.

 The payment of application fees is through electronic mode.
 The Admit Cards for GATE 2018 would be available only on GOAPS website. Candidates can download their Admit Card from GOAPS website. No printed copy of the Admit Cards  will be posted to the candidates.
 The candidate has to appear at the GATE Examination Centre on the date and time specified in the Admit Card.

o No request for any changes in the Centre or Date/Time specified in the Admit Card will be entertained. Similarly, this being an examination body with certain constraints, candidates needing very special or specific facility for the examination may not be entertained. Hence, candidates are requested to adhere to the facilities that are possible within the ambit and resources of GATE Examination Body.

 Important dates for GATE 2018 are given in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Important Dates related to GATE 2018

GATE Online Application Processing System (GOAPS) Website Opens : Friday 01st September 2017
Last Date for Submission of (Online) Application (through Website) : Thursday 05th October 2017
Last Date for Requesting Change of Examination City (an additional fee will be applicable) : Friday 17th November 2017

Admit Card will be available in the Online Application Portal (for printing) : Friday 05th January 2018

GATE 2018 Examination : 

Forenoon: 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Afternoon: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Saturday 03rd February 2018
Sunday 04th February 2018
Saturday 10th February 2018
Sunday 11th February 2018

Announcement of the Results in the Online Application Portal : Saturday 17th March 2018

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