Now days, Major Issue with Biotech/Life Sciences Students is proper Guidance on Career path.
As a helpBIOTECH, we want fill this gap by giving a career guidance by coming to your college and explaining details.
Target Group
1. BSc/BTech Students (Preferably 1st or 2nd Year Students)
2. MSc Students
I. Session of 1 hour (may extend 30 minutes) for BSc/BTech [About Career Prospects]
II. Session of 2 (1 h each, may extend 30 minutes) for MSc Students [About Career + CSIR/GATE/DBT/ICMR Exam guidance]
When should be
Any time during calendar year (Preferably at the beginning)
What we charge
Out station - Host will take care of traveling and accommodation.
How to Book
Preferably one month advance.
Call 9652956019 or email to with 'helpBIOTECH Guidance' as subject line.