Ministry of Social Justice &
Department of Social Justice &
I. Objective of the Scheme
The Central Sector Scheme of National Overseas Scholarship is to facilitate
the low income students belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Denotified Nomadic and
Semi-Nomadic Tribes, Landless Agricultural Labourers and Traditional Artisans
category to obtain higher education viz., Master degree or Ph.D courses by studying
abroad thereby improving their Economic and Social status.
II. Scope
a) In each Selection Year, 100 fresh awards, subject to availability of funds, will
be given under the Scheme. The Scheme provides financial assistance to the
selected candidates for pursuing Masters level courses and Ph.D. courses abroad
in the Institutions/Universities accredited by the Government/ an authorized
body of that country in any fields of study.
b) The following is the category wise distribution of slots for various groups
eligible for scholarship under the scheme:
S. No. Category Numbers
a) Scheduled Castes 90
b) Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes 06
c) Landless Agricultural Labourers and Traditional Artisans 04
Total slots 100
c) If for any specific year, successful candidates are not available to the extent
prescribed for each of the above listed categories, the awards for that year will
become open for candidates belonging to other categories mentioned above as
per merit grades attained by such candidates.
d) 30% of the awards for each year shall be earmarked for women candidates.
However, in case, adequate women candidates are not available as per the
stipulations of the scheme, then the unutilized slots will be utilized by selecting
suitable male candidates.
e) Bachelors Level courses in any discipline are not covered under the Scheme.
f) Candidates already staying/ studying abroad are not eligible for scholarship
under the Scheme.
g) Candidates having unconditional offer of admission to top 1000 ranked
foreign Institutes/Universities as per the latest available QS ranking only will be
selected for grant of scholarship during the first three rounds of selection out of
a total of four rounds in the selection year. During the fourth cycle of selection
priority will be given as follows :
i. Candidates having unconditional offer letter of admission from Top
1000 QS Ranking Institutions applying in the fourth cycle.
ii. Candidates having unconditional offer letter of admission from other
recognized Institutions who have applied for scholarship under the
scheme during the previous cycles or current cycle.
iii. Candidates submitting proof of applying in any recognized institution
applying for scholarship under the scheme in any of the cycles.
However, any financial condition mentioned in the offer of admission such as
deposit of fee or any other amount, or proof of source of funds, shall not be a
bar for consideration of application under the Scheme guidelines.
III. Minimum Qualification
In order to be eligible for scholarship, at least 60% of marks or equivalent
grade in the qualifying examination would be required. In case of Ph. D courses, the
qualifying exam would be Master’s Degree and for Master’s Degree courses, the
qualifying examination would be Bachelor's Degree.
IV. Age
Not more than 35 (Thirty Five) years, as on first day of April, 2020.
V. Income Ceiling
Total family income from all sources shall not exceed Rs. 8.00 lakh per annum
in the preceding year, i.e., 2019-20.
VI. Family
Under the Scheme, for determination of family income, the family will be
considered as following:
“The candidate applying for scholarship, his/her parents and siblings below
the age of 18 years and also his/ her spouse and children below the age of 18
Note: In case of married women, income of the in-laws and her spouse and children
below the age of 18 years will be considered.
VII. Maximum Number of children in a family for the award
Not more than two children of the same parents/guardians will be eligible for
scholarship under the scheme and a self-certification will be required from the
candidate to this effect. An awardee cannot be considered for the award for a second
time as the award can be given only once. The second child of the same
parents/guardians will be considered only if slots are still available for that cycle in
which the applicant has applied.
VIII. Application Procedure
a. The scheme will be advertised in the newspapers/ other media giving
summarized information about the Scheme. The candidates shall, after
assessing their eligibility and suitability, as per the eligibility conditions of the
Scheme, can apply online to this Ministry on the portal, i.e.,
b. The portal shall be opened for calling of applications from April, 2020 for a
period of 30 days and only online applications received shall be considered for
award in the first cycle of selection. In case the slots remain unfilled, the
portal will be again opened every quarter for a period of 30 days (i.e. from 1st
July, 2020 to 30th July, 2020, 1st October, 2020 to 30th October, 2020 and 1st
January, 2021 to 30th January, 2021) until all the slots are filled. Once all the
100 slots are filled, the portal will not be reopened for submission of
c. Online applications complete in all respects only shall be considered for award.
All the incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. However, the
rejected candidates will have the option to apply in subsequent phases of
IX. Selection Procedure
a. Initially, only candidates who have obtained unconditional offer of admission
from one of the foreign Institutions/ Universities which are in the list of top
1000 ranked institutions/ universities from the academic session 2020-21 and
onward shall be considered for award of scholarship for studying in that
Institution/University subject to fulfillment of other eligibility conditions of the
Scheme. No request for change of Institution/University shall be entertained.
b. For every cycle of selection, merit list of the eligible candidates shall be drawn
up on the basis of the rank, as per the latest available QS ranking, of the
foreign Universities/ Institutions where the candidate has secured admission
and scholarships shall be awarded in order of merit. The candidates holding an
offer letter from the higher ranked University/ Institution will be ranked higher
in the merit list. In case of a tie between the QS rankings of two or more
candidates their position in merit will be decided on the basis of the
marks/grades secured by the candidate in the qualifying examination for the
higher studies for which the scholarship has been applied for.
c. If, even after the third cycle of selections sufficient candidates have not been
selected for award of scholarship, in the fourth cycle of selections such
candidates who have either obtained unconditional offer of admission from, or
have applied but not yet secured admission in, any foreign institute/ university
shall also become eligible for award of scholarship, even if the
institution/university does not figure in the top 1000 QS ranking. The merit list
will be drawn in the following order during the 4th cycle of selection:
i. The candidates already holding an unconditional offer letter from the top 1000
QS ranked foreign institutions/ Universities will be given preference and will be
placed at the top of the merit list of the fourth cycle in the order of the QS
ranking of the Institution they have secured admission in. If there is any tie
that shall be resolved in the manner prescribed in b) above.
ii. In case slots still remain vacant, such eligible candidates who have secured
unconditional offer of admission in any foreign institution/ university and have
applied for scholarship under the Scheme in any cycle shall be considered
next. The merit of such candidates shall be based on the marks/ grades
secured by the candidate in the qualifying examination for the higher studies
for which the scholarship has been applied for.
iii.If slots still remain vacant, candidates who have applied for, but have not yet
secured unconditional offer of admission in any foreign University/ Institution,
and applied for scholarship under the Scheme in any cycle shall be considered
next. The merit of such candidates shall also be based on the marks/ grades
secured by the candidate in the qualifying examination for the higher studies
for which the scholarship has been applied for.
d. The online applications of the eligible candidates shall be placed before the
Selection-cum-Screening Committee for making their recommendations for
selection and ranking of the eligible candidates for scholarship.
e. The selected candidates who have already secured admission in foreign
University/ Institution shall be issued provisional Award of Scholarship letters
and Provisional Assurance letters shall be issued to such candidates who are
yet to secure admissions in the foreign Universities/ Institutions.
f. In case a candidate is given an award under the scheme, he/she shall be
required to join the said course within a period of one year from the date of
award letter failing which the award would stand automatically cancelled. The
award will be admissible from academic year 2020-21 and no past claim will
be entertained.
g. In case a provisional assurance is given to the candidate, the same will be
valid for a period of one year from the date of communication of the
Assurance. The candidate given provisional Assurance will be required to
obtain unconditional offer of admission in or join an accredited foreign
University/ Institution within a period of one year from the date of the
communication. On expiry of the specified period of time, the assurance will
automatically get cancelled and no request for extension of assurance will be