Project Code SSP305026
Post Name Project Associate-I
Minimum prescribed
Master's Degree in Natural or Agricultural
Sciences/MVSc or bachelor’s degree in Engineering or
Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or
Desirable experience, if
Good academic record and having sound research
expertise in analytical characterization of
biopharmaceutical molecules.
Age Limit 35
Job requirement Day to day lab work, experimentation involving, LC,
LC-MS and various spectroscopic analysis,
Report preparation and documentation
Consolidated emoluments
per month
(i) 31,000/- + HRA to Scholars who are selected
through (a) National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC NET
including lectureship(Assistant Professorship) or GATE
or (b) A selection process through National level
examinations conducted by Central Government
Departments and their Agencies and Institutions.(ii)
25,000/- + HRA for others who do not
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