
SSS-NIBE Recruits JRF and Postdocs in the field of Bioenergy

Rolling Advertisement for recruitment of JRF and Post-Doctoral fellowship (PDF) at SSS-NIBE

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for various research fellowships of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and postdoctoral fellowship (PDF) in the field of Bioenergy under the “SSS-NIBE Bio- Energy Promotion fellowship” at SSS-NIBE, Kapurthala. The research positions for JRF/PDF are purely contractual positions. Particulars of academic qualifications, research experience and other requirements of the contractual posts are given on the website of

1. Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 

Rs.31000 per month +HRA as admissible or Hostel facility if available. 

Candidates must either have 60% marks or equivalent CGPA in B.E./B.Tech. (Degree in Chem. Engg., Mech. Engg., Agri. Engg., Civil Engg., Biochem. Engg., Energy Engg., Environmental and allied engineering subjects or must have 60% marks in M.Sc. (Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, microbiologyand allied science subjects) and GATE/NET qualification as applicable. 

28 years as on 31/08/2023 and 31/12/2023 for First Round and Second Round scrutiny respectively, which is relaxed up to 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Schedule Castes/Schedule Tribes, Physically Handicapped and OBC(NCL) applicants as per Govt. of India rules & regulations. 

2. PostDoctoral fellowship (PDF) 

INR 47,000 per Month + (HRA as admissible or Hostel facility if available) 

Doctorate (Ph.D.) degree or having 3 years research, teaching and design and development experience after M.E/ with published work in peer reviewed journals (SCI/Engg.)/patents in the field of renewable energy or relevant field of science and engineering 

35 Years as on 31/08/2023 and 31/12/2023 for First Round and Second Round scrutiny respectively. The upper age limit is relaxed upto 5 years in the case of women scientist, for physically handicapped candidates and candidates belonging to scheduled castes/tribes and OBC(NCL) candidates as per Govt. of India rules & regulations 

Eligible candidates can download the Advertisement, Application Form and Instructions from website

The candidates should fill the downloaded Application Form as per the instructions. Those appearing in the final year of Master’s examination from any of the above mentioned agencies, may also be considered for post of JRF and candidates who have submitted their thesis and waiting for viva may also apply for PDF. However, if selected, they will be required to provide proof of degree completion (provisional/original) before joining Director General 348-26/37/2022-ADMIN I/4581/2023 Rolling Advertisement for recruitment of JRF and postdoctoral fellowship (PDF) at SSS-NIBE Applications are invited from eligible candidates for various positions of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and post-doctoral fellowships (PDF) to work under SSS-NIBE Bioenergy Promotion Fellowship by the Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio-Energy, Kapurthala. 

Interested candidates should send their duly filled Application form (as per the Instructions) via Speed/Registered Post or e-mail to with the subject “Application for JRF” for candidates applying for JRF and “Application for Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF)” for the candidates applying for PDF, along with the self-attested scanned copy of documents in single PDF file. 

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