
BHARATHIAR Bioinformatics/Molecular Biology Project Vacancy


Applications are invited from the Indian nationals for the post of Project Assistant (PA) for a DST-SERB SURE sponsored research project. 

The details of the project and the recruitment details are given below: 

Title of the Project: Development and Preclinical evaluation of ATRA-RAMBA retinamides in retinoid-based therapy for Colorectal cancer Investigational study 

Project duration : 3 Years 

Principal Investigator: Dr. V. Thirunavukkarasu, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore- 641046. 

Monthly Emolument: Rs. 20,000 + 18% HRA- (Rs.23,600/ month) as per DST-SERB guidelines and Bharathiar University norms.

Essential Qualification: M.Sc./ M.Phil. in Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Biochemistry/ Genetics/ with minimum of 55% marks or equivalent CGPA. 

Description of the Project: The Project Assistant is required to carry out experiments such as in chemico, in silico analysis, in vitro (molecular biology techniques) and in vivo studies under the sanctioned project to complete the objectives and deliverables in time. 

Age limit : 28 years 

Application submission details: Interested candidates can send their hard copy application with their curriculum vitae (CV) including photograph and signed copy of educational certificates, copy of testimonial from the last studied institute, research publications and a statement of interest on or before 27.11.2023. The application should reach to the following postal address- Dr. V. Thirunavukkarasu, PI- DST SERBSURE, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641 046 or Email 

Only the short-listed candidates will be notified to appear for the interview and no other communications in this regard will be entertained.

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