Application are invited from interested and motivated candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a time bound research project for a temporary period, purely on contractual basis as per the following details.
Position: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Proect Title: Structural and functional analysis of enzymes involved in GDP-D-glycero-D-manno-heptose biosynthetic pathway in M. tuberculosis: key target for drug development
Department: School of Life Sciences, JNU, New Delh-110067
Project Tenure: 3 years
Job Description: Proficiency in Gene cloning, Mutagensis, Protein expression in E. coli & Yeast system, protein refolding & purification, Crystallization & X-ray structure analysis, Modeling & Dynamics simulation work. Candidate with prior strong experience in these techniques will be preferred.
Age Limit: JRF - 28Yrs.
Age relaxation: The upper age limit is relaxable up-to 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to scheduled castes/ tribes/ OBC, women and h sicall handica ed candidates.
Fellowship: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)- Rs. 31,000/-p.m, in the first & Second years 35,000/- in 3rd upon upgradation.
The hard/soft copy of the applications along with the copy of biodata, prior publication should reach to Prof. Ajay K. Saxena, Rm-403/440, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, INDIA., Ph-011-26704155
Application deadline: 30th November 2023