
NIT Rourkela Bioplastics JRF Vacancy

Sector 1, Rourkela, 
Sundergarh Dist., Odisha 769 008 

NITR /65/ / Advt.- SR-R03 

Candidates who fulfill the below mentioned criteria may submit the application form before the last date. Engagement will be purely on temporary / contractual basis and co-terminus with the completion of the project. Candidates are advised to go through the advertisement details carefully before applying. 

Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Title of the Project: Development of biodegradable bioplastic films from mango seed starch

Essential Qualification (s):  Postgraduate Degree in Basic Sciences (MSc) OR Graduate (B.E./B.Tech./ B.Pharm) OR Postgraduate (M.E./M.Tech./M.Pharm.) Degree in Professional Course selected through a process described through any one of the following:

Desirable Qualification: Postgraduate Degree in Basic Sciences (MSc) OR Graduate (B.E./B.Tech./ B.Pharm) OR Postgraduate (M.E./M.Tech./M.Pharm.) Degree with valid GATE/NET score

Experience / Software / Skillset:

a.) Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests - CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE/GPAT. 
 b.) The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR,, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc. 

Job Description:  Research. The candidate is expected to enroll for PhD at the Institute

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