Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History
(South India Centre of Wildlife Institute of India)
Moongilpallam, Anaikatty (PO), Coimbatore – 641108, Tamil Nadu. (https://www.sacon.in)
Advt. No. SACON/RES/RCTMT/ADVT-04/2023
Vacancy for Research Personnel under Projects
Application deadline: 27-Nov-2023
Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON), under the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India wishes to engage the following research personnel (Indian national only) on purely temporary basis. Interested candidates may apply online at http://www.sacon.in/careers/. Details of the vacancies and application procedures are given below;
- SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW – 1 POST● Project Title: Interspecific interactions and niche partitioning among primates and select species of birds in the tropical forests of northeast India (Duration- Three years; Project PI- Dr. H N Kumara, Prof. Mewa Singh & Dr. Jihosuo Biswas)● Essential Qualifications: 1) Postgraduate degree with a minimum of 55% marks in life sciences (Wildlife Biology/ Zoology/ Conservation Biology/ Biodiversity and Conservation/ Wildlife Conservation and Action/ Biodiversity and Wildlife related subjects, 2) Two years of experience as a Junior Research Fellow or Junior Research Biologist.● Desirable: 1) Research experience on birds and mammals, 2) Excellent communication skill in English, 3) Proficiency in the Hindi language 4) Two-wheeler/Four Wheeler Driving License● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 32 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 35,000 + HRA (as per the DST-SERB rules)● Description of Work: The study is focused on interspecific interactions among primates and birds, the selected candidate is expected to conduct a behavioral study from 06:00 hours to 18:30 hours in select forests of Assam. The candidate needs to be well-versed in behavioral data collection, the use of GIS for habitat use, home range analysis, assist the Principal Investigators in other project activities and writing periodic reports.
- JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW – 1 POST● Project Title: Assessing the anthropogenic pressure on the Critically Endangered White-bellied Heron Ardea insignis, its habitat and prey in eastern Arunachal Pradesh (Duration- 1.5 yr (Till 1st Mar 2025); Project PI- Dr. Vidyadhar Atkore)● Essential Qualifications: Post graduate degree with minimum 55% in Wildlife Biology/ Zoology/Conservation Biology/ Biodiversity and Conservation/ Animal Sciences/ Environment Science/Conservation and Animal Science related subjects● Desirable: 1) Candidates who have cleared CSIR/UGC-NET or GATE exams. 2) Prior experience in studying freshwater fishes/birds. 3) Experience in ecological data collection, analysis and report/scientific article writing.● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 28 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 31,000 + HRA for NET/GATE candidates and Rs. 25,000 + HRA for Non NET/GATE candidates (as per DST-SERB rules)● Description of Work: The project will involve fieldwork in remote Protected Areas in eastern Arunachal Pradesh. Fieldwork will involve long durations of camping in forest areas with limited connectivity and collecting data on the White-bellied Heron and its main prey base (fish) and conducting socio-economic surveys.
- RESEARCH ASSOCIATE – 1 POST● Project Title: Preparation of Brief Documents, Health Cards and Wetland Management Plans for select 115 wetlands in the Union Territory of Puducherry (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr. Goldin Quadros)● Essential Qualifications: 1) Ph.D. (Zoology / Botany / Life Sciences / Wetlands) with experience of minimum of Two years in Wetland Studies and documentation. 2) Minimum of 10 publications in peer reviewed/ SCI Journals3) Excellent proficiency in written and oral English & Tamil languages.● Desirable: 1) Experience of field identification of various fauna. 2) Experience in writing management plans. 3) Valid Two/Four wheeler Driving license● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 35 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 47,000 + HRA● Description of Work: The project will involve extensive travel in the Union Territory of Puducherry covering three seasons. The wetlands and their biodiversity will have to be identified and documented as per the wetland rules 2017. In addition the study will also involve assessment of physico-chemical parameters and community interactions. The project team will have to prepare management plans for around 115 wetlands across the Union Territory of Puducherry. .
- JUNIOR RESEARCH BIOLOGIST – 2 POSTS● Project Title: Preparation of Brief Documents, Health Cards and Wetland Management Plans for select 115 wetlands in the Union Territory of Puducherry (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr. Goldin Quadros)● Essential Qualifications: 1) M.Sc. in Botany / Environmental Science / Life Sciences with a minimum of 55% marks, 2) Minimum one year experience of working on a field based research project. 3) Having undertaken Field or laboratory Dissertation work during Masters. 4) Proficiency in Hindi and Tamil Languages● Desirable: 1) Experience of analysing soil and water quality. 2) Experience in identification of wetland/aquatic flora and fauna 3) Minimum of one research publication 4) Understanding of GIS softwares 5.Valid Two/Four wheeler driving license.● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 28 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 31,000 + HRA● Description of Work: The project will involve extensive travel in the Union Territory of Puducherry covering three seasons. The wetlands and their biodiversity (Flora and Fauna) will have to be identified and documented as per the wetland rules 2017. In addition the study will also involve assessment of physico-chemical parameters and community interactions. Both the JRBs will also assisit the RA in report writing and documentation wherever needed.
- JUNIOR RESEARCH BIOLOGIST – 1 POST● Project Title: Developing baseline information on the avifaunal diversity at the Bonal Bird Conservation Reserve (Duration- One Year; Project PI- Dr.M. Mahendiran & Dr. Vidyadhar A)● Essential Qualifications: M.Sc. in Zoology/ Botany / Environmental Science / Life Sciences with a minimum of 55% marks● Desirable: 1) Proficiency in Hindi and Kannada Languages. 2) One year experience of working on a field-based research project; Experience of analysing fish, soil and water; 3) Experience in identification of wetland/aquatic flora and fauna; 4) Knowledge of GIS softwares 5) Valid Two/Four wheeler driving license.● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 28 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 31,000 + HRA● Description of Work: The project will involve staying in the Bonal Bird Conservation Reserve covering field work in all four seasons; The wetlands and their biodiversity (Flora and Fauna) will have to be identified and documented as per the wetland rules 2017; In addition the study will also involve assessment of physico-chemical parameters, fish sampling and community interactions.
- JUNIOR RESEARCH BIOLOGIST – 4 POSTS*● Project Title: Comprehensive Conservation Plan for Nicobar Long-tailed Macaque Macaca fascicularis umbrosus (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr. H N Kumara & Dr. P V Karunakaran)● Essential Qualifications: Master’s Degree in Life Science/Wildlife Science/Zoology/Botany/ Forestry/Ecology with a minimum of 55% marks● Desirable: 1) Research experience on mammals especially on primates, 2) Excellent communication skill in English, 2) Proficiency in the Hindi language, 3) Two-wheeler/Four Wheeler Driving License● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 28 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 31,000 + HRA● Description of Work: Data collection on Nicobar long-tailed macaque population, demography, movement pattern, and behavioural ecology on Nicobar islands
- PROJECT SCIENTIST – 1 POST*● Project Title: Comprehensive Conservation Plan for Nicobar Long-tailed Macaque Macaca fascicularis umbrosus (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr. H N Kumara & Dr. P V Karunakaran)● Essential Qualifications: Doctoral degree in Wildlife Biology/Zoology / Life Sciences with two years of postdoctoral experience and three publications in peer-reviewed/ SCI Journals. Excellent proficiency in written and oral English & Hindi languages.● Desirable: 1) Research experience on primates, 2) Excellent communication and writing skill in English, 3) Proficiency in the Hindi language, 4) Two-wheeler/Four Wheeler Driving License, and 5) statistical analysis and ecological modeling in R● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 40 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 67,000+HRA● Description of Work: The candidate will lead a team and conduct field research on the Nicobar islands, the study involves animal handling, surveys, data analysis, and report writing
- RESEARCH ASSOCIATE – 1 POST*● Project Title: Comprehensive Conservation Plan for Nicobar Long-tailed Macaque Macaca fascicularis umbrosus (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr. H N Kumara & Dr. P V Karunakaran)● Essential Qualifications: Doctoral degree in Wildlife Biology/Zoology / Life Sciences with two publications in peer-reviewed/ SCI Journals. Excellent proficiency in written and oral English & Hindi languages.● Desirable: 1) Research experience on primates, 2) Excellent communication and writing skill in English, 3) Proficiency in the Hindi language, 4) Two-wheeler/Four Wheeler Driving License, and 5)statistical analysis and ecological modeling in R● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 35 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 42,000+ HRA● Description of Work: The candidate has to coordinate and conduct the field study on Nicobar Islands, study involves animal handling, surveys, data analysis, and report writing
- RESEARCH ASSOCIATE – 2 POSTS*● Project Title: Comprehensive conservation plan for the endemic and tree cavity nesting birds of Nicobar Archipelago (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr. S. Babu, Dr. H N Kumara, Dr. P.Pramod & Dr. P V Karunakaran)● Essential Qualifications: 1) Ph.D. (Wildlife Biology/Zoology / Life Sciences) with experience of a minimum of two years in biodiversity conservation projects. 2) Minimum of two publications in peer reviewed/ SCI Journals 3) Proficient in both written and spoken English.● Desirable: 1) Experience in ornithological research in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 2) Hands-on experience with GIS and remote sensing software. 3) A strong record of research publications in peer-reviewed journals.4) Experience in designing studies, collecting data, and performing data analysis.● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 35 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 47,000 + HRA● Description of Work: The candidate will lead a team to conduct field research on the cavity nesting and endemic birds of the Nicobar archipelago, including animal handling, surveys, data analysis, and report writing.
- SENIOR PROJECT FELLOW – 2 POSTS*● Project Title: Comprehensive conservation plan for the endemic and tree cavity nesting birds of Nicobar Archipelago (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr. S. Babu,Dr. H N Kumara, Dr. P.Pramod & Dr. P V Karunakaran)● Essential Qualifications: Master’s Degree in Life Science/Wildlife Science/Zoology/Botany/ Forestry/Ecology with a minimum of 55% aggregate marks with two years of research experience in wildlife biology● Desirable: 1) Research experience on birds, 2) Excellent communication skill in English, 3) Proficiency in the Hindi language, 3) Two-wheeler/ Four Wheeler Driving License● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 32 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 35,000 + HRA● Description of Work: Data collection on bird population, behavioral ecology, coordinating the study, analysis and writing the report at Nicobar Islands
- JUNIOR PROJECT FELLOW – 5 POSTS● Project Title: Comprehensive conservation plan for the endemic and tree cavity nesting birds of Nicobar Archipelago (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr. S. Babu,Dr. H N Kumara, Dr. P. Pramod & Dr. P V Karunakaran)● Essential Qualifications: Master’s Degree in Life Science/Wildlife Science/Zoology/Botany/ Forestry/Ecology with a minimum of 55% marks● Desirable: 1) Research experience on birds, 2) Excellent communication skill in English, 3) Proficiency in the Hindi language, 4 Two-wheeler/Four Wheeler Driving License● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 28 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 31,000 + HRA● Description of Work: Data collection on the bird population, and behavioral ecology on the Nicobar islands
- JUNIOR RESEARCH BIOLOGIST – 5 POSTS*● Project Title: Conservation of the Nicobar Megapode (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr Manchi Shirish S, & Dr. H N Kumara)● Essential Qualifications: Master’s Degree in Life Science/Wildlife Science/Zoology/Botany/ Forestry/Ecology with a minimum of 55% marks● Desirable: 1) Research experience on birds, 2) Excellent communication skill in English, 3) Proficiency in the Hindi language, 4) Two-wheeler/Four Wheeler Driving License● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 28 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 31,000 + HRA● Description of Work: Data collection on Nicobar megapode population, demography, movement pattern, and behavioral ecology on Nicobar islands
- SENIOR PROJECT ASSOCIATE – 2 POSTS*● Project Title: Conservation of the Nicobar Megapode (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr Manchi Shirish S, & Dr. H N Kumara)● Essential Qualifications: Doctoral degree in Wildlife Biology/Zoology / Life Sciences with two publications in peer-reviewed/ SCI Journals. Excellent proficiency in written and oral English & Hindi languages.● Desirable: 1) Research experience on birds, 2) Excellent communication and writing skill in English, 3) Proficiency in the Hindi language, 4) Two-wheeler/Four Wheeler Driving License, and 5) statistical analysis and ecological modelling in R● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 35 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 42,000+ HRA● Description of Work: The candidate has to coordinate and conduct the field study on Nicobar Islands, study involves animal handling, surveys, data analysis, and report-writing
- RESEARCH ASSOCIATE – 1 POST*● Project Title: Comprehensive Conservation Plan for Coconut Crab Birgus latro in the Nicobar Archipelago (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr. P Pramod, Dr. H N Kumara & Dr. S Babu)● Essential Qualifications: Doctoral degree in Wildlife Biology/Zoology / Life Sciences with two publications in peer-reviewed/ SCI Journals. Excellent proficiency in written and oral English & Hindi languages.● Desirable: 1) Research experience on Crustaceans, 2) Excellent communication and writing skill in English, 3) Two-wheeler/Four Wheeler Driving License, 4) Statistical analysis and ecological modeling in R and 5) Proficiency in the Hindi language,● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 35 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 47,000+ HRA● Description of Work: The candidate has to coordinate and conduct the field study on Coconut Crab at Nicobar Islands, the study involves animal handling, surveys, data analysis, and report writing
- JUNIOR PROJECT FELLOW – 2 POSTS*● Project Title: Comprehensive Conservation Plan for Coconut Crab Birgus latro in the Nicobar Archipelago (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr. P Pramod, Dr. H N Kumara & Dr. S Babu)● Essential Qualifications: Master’s Degree in Life Science/Wildlife Science/Zoology/Botany/ Forestry/Ecology with a minimum of 55% marks.● Desirable: 1) Research experience on Crustaceans, 2) Excellent communication skill in English, 3) Proficiency in the Hindi language, 4) Two-wheeler/Four Wheeler Driving License● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 28 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 31,000 + HRA● Description of Work: Data collection on Coconut Crab population, demography, movement pattern, and behavioral ecology on the Nicobar islands
- PROJECT SCIENTIST-II – 1 POST*● Project Title: Bird hazard risk assessment study for the proposed international airport, Great Nicobar Island (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr. P Pramod & Dr. P V Karunakaran)● Essential Qualifications: Doctoral degree in Wildlife Biology/Zoology / Life Sciences with two publications in peer-reviewed/ SCI Journals. Excellent proficiency in written and oral English & Hindi languages.● Desirable: 1) Research experience on biodiversity especially on birds, 2) Excellent communication and writing skill in English, 3) Two-wheeler/Four Wheeler Driving License, and 4)statistical analysis and ecological modelling in R and 5) Proficiency in the Hindi language,● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 40 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 67,000+ HRA● Description of Work: The candidate has to coordinate and conduct the field study on biodiversity in select site at Nicobar Islands, the study involves animal handling, surveys, data analysis, and report writing
- JUNIOR PROJECT FELLOW – 3 POSTS*● Project Title: Bird hazard risk assessment study for the proposed international airport, Great Nicobar Island (Duration- One Year (Likely to continue); Project PI- Dr. P Pramod & Dr. P V Karunakaran)● Essential Qualifications: Master’s Degree in Life Science/Wildlife Science/Zoology/Botany/ Forestry/Ecology with a minimum of 55% marks● Desirable: 1) Research experience on biodiversity studies, 2) Excellent communication skill in English, 3) Proficiency in the Hindi language, 4) Two-wheeler/Four Wheeler Driving License● Upper Age limit as on 27-Nov-2023: 28 Years● Fellowship: Rs. 31,000 + HRA● Description of Work: Data collection on biodiversity assessments in the select sites at Nicobar Islands
* For the Positions at serial No. 6 to 17 above, the respective projects are awaiting the fund release, and engagement offers/ Appointments to the selected candidates will be made once the fund is received.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates, who fulfil the required essential qualifications may fill in and submit the online application form available at SACON website. (http://www.sacon.in/careers/) latest by 27-Nov-2023.
The application form should be filled and submitted online along with self-attested scanned PDF copies of all supporting documents and testimonials such as copies of certificates, mark lists and testimonials of essential and desirable qualifications, research experience, date of birth, community, extracurricular activities etc. uploaded (Please do Not send hard copies of application forms and attachments).
Only the shortlisted candidates will be invited for the interview.
The final selection will be through an Interview to be conducted for the shortlisted candidates (Exact date, time and mode of interviews will be intimated to the shortlisted candidates by email)
If selected, all original documents in support of qualifications, age, experience etc. should be produced by the candidate for verification before joining SACON. The hard copies of the filled-in application form along with self-attested true copies of allsupporting documents should also be submitted at the time of joining.
- Candidates applying for the above positions should possess all the essential Qualifications (with originals of supporting documents) as on the date of application deadline.
- A candidate can apply for a maximum of two positions only. Candidates applying for two positions should submit separate sets of applications and attachments.
- The upper age limit may be relaxed as per applicable Central Government norms (up to 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to scheduled castes/ Scheduled Tribes/ physically handicapped and female applicants, whereas 3 years in case of OBC (Non-Creamy Layer candidates)
- Selected candidates will be provided with hostel accommodation at SACON as per availability. Other allowances and benefits to the research personnel will be admissible as per the rules.
- Canvassing in any form is liable to rejection of the candidature.
- This advertisement and online application format are available at the Website www.sacon.in
- Incomplete Applications and applications submitted after the stipulated timeline will be rejected. Applications not received in the prescribed format and/or without the proofs for stipulated essential qualifications/experience are also liable for rejection.