
IACS Kolkata Biological Sciences Faculty Openings

Kolkata - 700 032 

Adv No:IACS/ADVT/P/06/1287 Date: 16/11/2023 

The Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata, a Grants-in-Aid Institution supported by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, and a Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, is a premier research and teaching Institute of India to pursue and promote scientific research and teaching at the highest level in the frontier and interdisciplinary areas of sciences. IACS, Kolkata is in looking for energetic, dynamic, young, motivated, and highly qualified prospective facultymembers with requisite experience as per the Recruitment Rules of the Institute for faculty positions in various schools at the levels of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Faculty Fellow.

The applicants must have an excellent academic record and research experience with high-impact publications and should be able to design de novo courses in her/his areas of interest. They must participate in teaching undergraduate/postgraduate/Ph.D. students at IACS, and bring extramural research grants. The faculty members recruited in one School may also have concurrent affiliations with other Schools.

Faculty requirements in various Schools and desirable areas of expertise:

School of Applied and Interdisciplinary Sciences (SAIS): 

Assistant Professor (UR): One (1), Faculty Fellow: One (1) 

Desirable areas of expertise: Biological Sciences: The candidate should have in-depth research experience and rigorous training in Biology/Biological Sciences / Chemical Biology with desirable expertise in molecular biosystems / synthetic and system biology /bioengineering /disease biology/biomedicine (secondary affiliation to the School of Biological Sciences)

School of Biological Sciences (SBS): 

Professor (UR): One (1),Associate Professor(UR): One (1); Assistant Professor (UR): Two (2); Faculty Fellow: One (1) Desirable areas of expertise: The applicants must have experience in the following field of Biological Sciences/Life Sciences (but not limited to) with high-impact publications. 

The candidates must be aware of designing de novo courses in her/his area of interest and teaching undergraduate/postgraduate/PhD students at IACS. 

Structural Biology / Neuroscience / Biophysics/Biophysical Chemistry / Computational Biology/ Immunology/Disease Biology/Cellular and Molecular Biology/Developmental Biology/Bioinformatics/Functional Genomics/Genetics and Epigenetics.

Interested candidates possessing requisite qualifications and experience are requested to apply electronically to “”, with full bio-data containing the list of publications, description of teaching and research experience, and future teaching and research plans as per the attached format. They should also mention the names of six referees familiar with their work. Apart from that, the candidates should also send their duly filled-in applications in the prescribed format affixing a passport-size photograph along with requisite documents in support of theireducational qualification, age, and experience in a sealed envelope superscripted clearly “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF (Name of the post along with advertisement number) addressed to the Director, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 2A & B, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Kolkata – 700032 by poston (or) before 60 days (75 days for the applicants of NorthEastern regions) from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News. 

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