
NMIMS Shirpur Genetics/Plant Breeding Faculty Jobs


Mukesh Patel Technolgy Park, 

Village: Babulde, Bank of Tapi River, 

Shirpur, Maharashtra, 425405

Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor 

- SAST- Genetics and Plant Breeding 


 i.  Essential : 

1. A Ph.D. Degree with First Class at Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of Agricultural Sciences and Technology , and experience of ten years in teaching, research and / or industry, out of which at least five years at the level of Associate Professor/ Reader or equivalent grade. 


ii.    In the event the candidate is from industry and the profession, the following shall constitute as essential : 

1. First Class Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of Agricultural Sciences and Technology.; 

2.  Significant professional work which can be recognized as equivalent to a Ph. D Degree in appropriate branch of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, and industrial / professional experience of ten years, out of which at least five years at a senior level of Associate Professor / Reader, 

iii.  Without prejudice to the above, the following conditions may be considered desirable: 

1.  Teaching, research, industrial and / or professional experience in a reputed organization. 

2.  Published work, such as research papers, patents filed / obtained, books, and / or technical reports: 

3. Experience of guiding the project work / dissertation of PG / Research Students or supervising R & D projects in industry: 

4. Demonstrated leadership in planning and organizing academic, research, industrial and / or professional activities : and 

5. Capacity to undertake / lead sponsored R & D, consultancy and related activities. 


 vii.  Essential : 

A Ph.D. Degree with First Class at Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, and experience of eight years in teaching, research and / or industry at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent grade, excluding period spent on obtaining the research degree. 


viii. In the event the candidate is from industry and the profession, the following shall constitute as essential: 

5. First Class Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of Agricultural Sciences and Technology; 

6.  Significant professional work which can be recognized as equivalent to a Ph.D. Degree in appropriate branch of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, and industrial / professional experience of eight years in a position equivalent to the level of Assistant Professor, 

ix.   Without prejudice to the above, the following conditions may be considered desirable: 

7.  Teaching, research industrial and / or professional experience in a reputed organization. 

8. Published work, such as research papers, patents filed / obtained, books, and / or technical reports: 

9. Experience of guiding the project work / dissertation of PG / Research Students or supervising R & D projects in industry: 


 i. Essential : 

A Ph.D. Degree with First Class Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of Agricultural Sciences and Technology. 

ii. Without prejudice to the above, the following conditions may be considered desirable : 

1. Teaching, research industrial and / or professional experience in a reputed organization; 

2. Papers presented at Conferences and / or in refereed journals. 


In 1981, Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal (SVKM) established Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) to meet the growing demand for management education. In 2003, NMIMS was declared a deemed to be university under Section 3 of the UGC Act 1956. The Vision of the University is to be a globally admired University by 2030. The Mission of NMIMS is to emerge as a Centre of Excellence, best in class in India and Asia and yearning to be the best in the world by 2030. 

With the legacy of 40 years, NMIMS has grown to being not only one of the top-10 B-schools in India but also emerged as a multi-disciplinary, multi-campus University at Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Indore, Shirpur, Dhule, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Chandigarh and seventeen constituent schools that include Management, Family Business, Engineering, Pharmacy, Architecture, Commerce, Economics, Law, Science, Liberal Arts, Design, Performing Arts, Mathematical Science, Agricultural Science, Hospitality Management, Branding & Advertising and Distance Learning. In addition, we have nine Centres of Excellence as well at the University.

The consistent academic quality, research focus, faculty from top national and global institutes and strong industry linkages at NMIMS have placed it amongst the nation's prime centres of educational excellence and research today. More than 17000 students and about 750 full-time faculty members, 10 faculty members with Fulbright Scholarship and Humboldt International Scholarship for post-doctoral researchers are part of India's most sought after academic community.


School of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SAST), Shirpur is the first School of Agricultural in SVKM’s NMIMS and is operational from the academic year 2019-20. It’s a ubiquitous fact that the history of farming is as old as human existence. There is continuous progress in scientific research and technological advances in the field of agriculture. Due to unimaginable environmental variations and stresses on crop plants, farmers are under constant distress. Hence, there is a growing need to transfer knowledge and technologies from research laboratories & institutes to farmer’s fields. Apparently, there is an increased thrust on concerted agricultural education system with more participatory devolutions.

Keeping all concerns into consideration, SAST has designed an efficient and robust agricultural education curriculum to be an efficient platform where knowledge, resources, and opportunities meet. Prospective graduates will be taught various basics, fundamentals, advances, recent trends, practical adoptions, bottlenecks, and sustainable solutions as a part of courses and syllabi pertaining to agricultural sciences and allied subjects. Our graduates would be kept abreast with on-going research projects and farm business models in India and abroad. We produce enthusiastic entrepreneurs who wish to take up farming and farm produce value additions to enhance their profitability. We involve our students in revolving fund projects that go beyond academics, wherein they learn project planning and implementation, which helps them to change, push, nurture, and finally evolve themselves into confident individuals. We have state-of-the-art infrastructure and intellectual legacy for making classroom and practical learning more enjoyable and intriguing. We draw intellectual faculty and guest faculty.

SAST is one of the most ambitious educational initiatives of NMIMS and is situated on banks of Tapti river in Dhule district of Maharashtra. SAST is a closed residential campus based on Gurukul concepts wherein students, faculty and agriculture co-exist. We are committed to bringing a positive change in the lives of farming communities in this region. We shall establish knowledge hubs and innovation hubs for local enthusiasts for bringing value to their farm produce and earn more income. NMIMS’s SAST is focussed on giving an extra mile to knowledge and career of graduates because we help them think both critically and creatively, and express with energy, precision, and dynamism


SAST aims to be an internationally recognized technical education institution that excels in agricultural Education, Research and Extension, producing socially responsible self-motivated graduates in the field of agriculture.


The mission of SAST is to produce globally competent agriculture graduates through:

  • An integrative educational experience that blends classroom teaching, research and field experience
  • Distinctive superior academic curriculum designed through interaction with the major stake-holders like agribusiness industry, scientific and professional societies
  • Scholarly and research project activities that generate and transfer new knowledge in the area of agriculture 
  • Collaboration with other global research and educational institutes in order to develop and encourage knowledge transfer which is of value to farmers and agribusiness industry
  • Interaction of students with various personalities in the field of agriculture who proved their positive impact on society
  • Enhancing the visibility and impact of graduate programs in agricultural sciences and inculcating students with leadership qualities for manifesting their career objectives

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