
Call for Chapters | Synthesizing and Characterizing Plant-Mediated Biocompatible Metal Nanoparticles" by IGI-Global

Dear Researcher,

It would be deeply appreciated if you contribute a chapter to our forthcoming edited book on "Synthesizing and Characterizing Plant-Mediated Biocompatible Metal Nanoparticles" by IGI-Global. 

Your contribution will make this Edited Book more global and attractive to all stakeholders (students, researchers, academicians, laboratories, universities, and various  agencies).

You can submit more than one chapter if you wish.

List of topics (but not limited to) are :

1.       Nanostructure Introduction – nanoparticles, nanorods, nanoflowers, nanopods, etc.

2.       Metal nanoparticles and its advancements.

3.       Nanoparticle Synthesis Techniques: Physical, Chemical, and Green Approaches.

4.       Various medicinal plants, their biocompounds, and health benefits.

5.       Synthesis, characterizations, and applications of various biogenic nanoparticles and their oxides.

6.       Applications-environmental cleanup, disinfection, wastewater treatment, dye degradation, food industry, animal husbandry, dairy products, agriculture, antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, antifungal, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antioxidant, dental restoration, cytotoxic, genotoxic, catalytic, and wound-healing properties, etc.

7.       Development of advanced instruments for spectroscopic analyses of bionanoparticles - UV-Vis, XRD, FTIR, SEM, TEM, HRTEM, FESEM, AFM, SAED, zeta potential, DLS, EDS, etc.

8.       Syntheses, characterizations, and applications of various bionanocompounds and bionanocomposites.

9.       Comparative analysis among various biogenic nanoparticles.

10.    Comparative studies between biologically synthesized nanoparticles and chemically and physically synthesized nanoparticles.

11.    Meta-analysis, scoping review, systematic review, umbrella review, etc.

12.    Fabrication and Integration of biogenic nanoparticles, their oxides and compounds with other materials and applications (biofilm, graphene).

13.    Theoretical studies/simulation of biogenic nanoparticles.

14.    AI in nanobiotechnology/nanobiomedicine.

15.    Bibliometric data analysis of biogenic nanoparticles.

16.    Future Challenges and Opportunities.

17.    Ethical Considerations and Protocols in applications.

18.    Case Studies of biogenic nanoparticle applications.

19.    Policies related to nanobiotechnology.

You can choose either of the following two options to submit your proposal/chapter:

Option 1: Please submit a brief proposal on this topic at the following link (please create a log-in id & pwd):

Following acceptance, you can submit the full chapter in APA format. You will receive all the necessary information for that. 

Option 2: Direct link: Alternatively, you can prepare the chapter using APA style and submit it directly to the book using the following link, which will be further processed (review, etc.) on or before July 28, 2024:

webpage for guidelines:

A. Please visit the the following IGI-Global webpage for guidelines:

B. Please visit the following webpage for APA Reference style (you can also go from the above webpage):

C. Please visit the following webpage for a comprehensive guide:

Please let me know if you have any questions.

I also have attached the flyer for your kind information.

Once again, thank you very much for accepting the invitation, and I am looking forward to receiving the proposal or chapter.

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