
RCB PG Industrial Biotech [PGDIB] Admissions 2024 | Industry Oriented 1-year Program


Admissions to the Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Biotechnology (PGDIB) 

The Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB) is an Institution of National Importance created by an Act of Parliament, established by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, under the auspices of UNESCO. RCB has emerged as a pioneering institute for research in Biotechnology and is defining new horizons in providing world-class education, training and research at the interface of multiple disciplines. 

RCB is committed to exploring new frontiers, furthering science and connecting contemporary and emergent areas of Biotechnology through cutting-edge research. RCB is launching the 'Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Biotechnology' program to train students in a variety of industry-relevant courses. This course will provide students with the required knowledge and skills for producing, testing, licensing, packaging, and releasing biotech and biopharmaceutical products. The program's goal is to prepare students for careers in industry, bridging the gap between industry and academics. The programme shall be of one academic year duration and will undergo one semester (six months) of coursework physically at RCB, Faridabad, followed by second semester comprising of hands-on training and a 3-4 month internship programme in various industries or academia. More details of the program can be found at 

Eligibility Criteria The minimum qualification for admission to the RCB PGDIB shall be a Bachelor’s degree in Science or Engineering or Medicine or an equivalent degree with the minimum of 50 % marks. Candidates with additional qualifications and a strong interest in the subject may also apply. 

Number of Seats: 30 Reservation of seats: As per GoI guidelines. 

Selection Process Only online applications will be accepted at, which includes payment of an application fee of Rs. 500/-, if applicable. SC/ST/PwBD/EWS candidates are exempted from payment of the application fee. 

The selection process is likely to be as per the following schedule: 

Last date of submission of application (online) November 25, 2024 
Date of written test/interview (physical) 
December 9-10, 2024 
Declaration of final results and offers sent to selected candidates December 13, 2024 
Deadline for selected candidates to accept offer by email and pay fees online (Rs.10000/-,non-refundable) 
December 20, 2024 Offers sent to waitlisted candidates December 23, 2024 
Deadline for waitlisted candidates to accept offer by email and pay fees online (Rs.10000/-, non-refundable) December 26, 2024 
Registration and enrolment who have accepted the offer January 2, 2025 
Orientation and commencement of the coursework January 6, 2025 

Providing false/incorrect information in the application form or non-possession of essential qualifications detected at any stage of the selection process will lead to the disqualification of the candidate. The decision of the Competent Authority at RCB shall be final and binding in this regard. 

The fee for admission into this programme is Rs.1.00 Lakh in installment as below: 
1 st instalment (Rs. 10000/- non-refundable, to be paid while accepting the offer): December 2024 
2 nd Installment (Rs.45000/-) - January 2025 
3 rd Installment (Rs.45000/-) - April 2025 

Note: The admission fee includes hostel accommodation (sharing basis) till completion of coursework except for the hostel maintenance charge of Rs.200/- per month and electricity bill (to be paid as per actuals). 

The last date for submitting online applications is November 25, 2024. For any queries, please write to:

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