
DBT New Program Emerging Frontiers in Biotechnology | Grant 1 Crore

Emerging Frontiers in Biotechnology


The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) recently initiated new program in the "Emerging Frontiers in Biotechnology". This program will have two verticals namely Biomedical Sciences and Biological Sciences.

A. Biomedical Sciences:

This vertical covers both basic and applied science proposals related to human health and disease. It encompasses a wide range of topics, from the basic study of Biomedical Sciences by using model organisms and cell lines, and Human Biology to more specialized areas such as vaccines and diagnostics, human infectious and chronic disease biology, human genetics and genomics, technological interventions in healthcare, and public health nutrition.

B. Biological Sciences:

This vertical includes basic and applied science proposals related to Plant Sciences and allied fields such as Agricultural Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Bio-energy, Bio-resources, Environmental Biology, Bioprospecting, and other areas not covered under the Biomedical Sciences vertical.

It may be noted that the proposals related to NER, Computational Biology/Bioinformatics/Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, HRD programs (Award/Fellowships, etc.), Societal Development programs, and Infrastructure Development programs (SAHAJ/BUILDER/STAR College; etc.) are not considered under the Emerging Frontiers in Biotechnology programs. These programs are separately advertised, and for further information, the respective program officers may be contacted.

The initiative has been taken with the aim of maximizing the efficiency of the Department's PI-driven R&D projects having budgetary provision upto Rs. 100.00 lakh. This program is designed to catalyze transformative research endeavors encompassing a diverse array of biotechnological domains, by way of handholding and providing research support to active researchers to undertake research and development projects in the Emerging Frontiers of Biotechnology.

DBT encourage the researchers from academic institutions, research laboratories and other R&D organizations to conceptualize and lead R&D projects that not only drive research & innovation but also address critical scientific challenges & unmet needs, thus redefining the landscape of biotechnological advancements.

Proposal Submission:

Under this initiative, Investigator driven proposals would be accepted twice a year in 3 months window (1st January - 31st March, and 1st July - 30th September) only through the DBT eProMIS Web Portal ( ) with a maximum budgetary limit of Rs. 100.00 lakh.

Pre-requisite Information/ Documents for Proposal Submission under this Program:

Submission of proper declarations, Undertakings, forwarding letters as well as following information/ documents are mandatory during the submission of proposal in the eProMIS and non submission of these information/ documents may automatically lead to fail submission. In cases, where incorrect / incomplete documents are submitted in eProMIS, the proposals may be summarily rejected.

  • Investigators need to compulsorily provide details of ongoing projects supported by DBT. Investigator (as PI or Co-PI receiving funds) already having ≥4 DBT supported ongoing projects as on date of proposal submission, are not eligible to submit the proposal.
  • Investigator (as PI or Co-PI receiving funds) already having an ongoing projects under Emerging Frontiers in Biotechnology programs (Biomedical Sciences or Biological Sciences) as on date of proposal submission, is not eligible to submit new proposal till the expiry of the 2 years from the date of the initiation of the ongoing project.
  • In case of Government agency, submission of information’s / undertakings about Zero balance Subsidiary Account (ZBSA), no pending Utilization Certificate, implementation of EAT module of PFMS, compliance of data submission in IBDC portal, Non-Availability / Justification of requested equipments; quotations for equipment; ZBSA details and copy of reassignment order, mandate form etc. are mandatory.
  • In case of Non-Government/ Not for Profit Institutes, in addition to the above mentioned documents, they shall also need to submit proof of establishment under Indian Statute; Copy of Certificate of registration under Society Registration Act; Memorandum of Association; Details of registration in NITI Aayog ‘NGO Darpan’ portal; Copy of DSIR- SIRO certificate; and Annual Report alongwith Audited Account Statements for the last three financial years.
  • Private Profit making agencies / Industries / Start-ups are not eligible for applying under this program.

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