Uppal Road, Habsiguda,
Hyderabad 500 007
Notification Number: 0125/A Date: 16.01.2025
Applications are invited from the eligible Indian National for temporary position(s) on contractual basis as
indicated hereunder. Candidates who fulfill the criteria should apply online at www.ccmb.res.in.
For any
technical problem while submitting the online application, may contact proj-rectt@ccmb.res.in.
Last date to submit application through online:23
rd January2025
I) Name of Post: Project Associate – I (PAT – I)
Total Number of positions: 1
Upper Age limit (years):35
Monthly Emoluments: (i) 31,000/-p.m. + HRA to Scholars who are selected through
(a) National Eligibility Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A
selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their
Agencies and Institutions.
(ii) 25,000/-p.m. + HRA as applicable/admissible for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Post Code/ No. of
Positions/ Area
010125A -1 Position - Generation of high throughput genomic and DNA methylation
data on human subjects from a longitudinal cohort Molecular and cell biology, Bio
statistical analysis of high throughput OMIC data including system-based approach
assimilating the OMIC data with phenotype
Project Code/ Title
& Duration
Understanding the association and underlying molecular mechanisms of early life
‘Double-burden’ of malnutrition and non-communicable disease risk in adolescence
Essential Qualification
Master’s Degree in Natural Sciences or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or
Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent
Desirable / Job
Experience in analysis of high throughput genomic and epigenomic data such as Next
Generation Sequencing based data. Should be well versed with
Linux/bash/command line interface and have the ability to create and modify custom
pipelines for data analysis. Should also have experience in bioinformatics and
statistical tools for system-based analysis combining various kinds of OMIC data as
well as large phenotype data. Previous experience in cell biology experiments using
different cell lines will be useful
Name of the PI Dr. Giriraj Ratan Chandak
Duration of the project 10.10.2026
II) Name of Post: Scientific Administrative Assistant
Total Number of positions: 2
Upper Age limit (years):50
Emoluments: 18,000/-+ HRA
Post Code/ No. of
Positions/ Area
020125A -2
Project Code/ Title
J C Bose Fellowship
Essential Qualification Graduate degree in any discipline
Desirable / Job
Day-to-day general maintenance activities, cleaning, washing, Admin, stores &
purchase, etc. in Tissue culture facility
Name of the PI Dr. Rakesh Mishra/ Dr. AS Sreedhar
Duration of the project 31.08.2026