Advt. No.05/NIV/Project Cell/2024-25 Date: 09 Jan 2025
20-A Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Pune- 411001, Maharashtra
ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Pune, is a premier research Institution under the aegis of Indian
Council of Medical Research, Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Govt. of India.
Applications are invited from eligible candidates in the prescribed format through email ID: for the following project positions purely on temporary contract basis
for our short-term research project titled “Scaling up of facilities for production of Diagnostic
kits/reagent for detection of JE, DEN & Chikungunya viruses” at ICMR-NIV, Pune.
Details of the positions are appended below.
Applications in the prescribed format, without any enclosures should reach through e-mail ID: upto 04.00 pm on 24 Jan 2025. Late/Delayed applications (for any
reasons) will not be considered.
In addition to the email, please complete the required details using the Google Form link: within the above prescribed time limit. Please do not send any
hardcopies at this stage.
Name of the Post Project Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical)
Number of Posts 02 (UR)
Age Limit 35 Years
Emoluments Rs. 56000/- p.m. plus HRA
Essential Qualification Post Graduate Degree including the integrated PG degrees in Life
Science. Specialization required in Microbiology / Biotechnology /
Biochemistry / Virology/ Zoology.
Desirable Qualification Candidates having Ph.D. will be given preference. Experience in
virology field.
Name of the Post Project Technical Support-I
Number of Posts 01 (OBC)
Age Limit 28 Years
Emoluments Rs. 18000/- p.m. plus HRA
Essential Qualification 10th pass plus Diploma (MLT/DMLT or equivalent) plus 2 years
experience in relevant subject/ Field.
Three years graduate degree in Life Sciences.
Specialization required in
Microbiology / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Zoology plus one year
experience in relevant subject
Desirable Qualification Experience in Research Laboratory / handling blood samples, Cell
Culture, Serology techniques.
Knowledge of Computer Application.