CSIR December 2014 Exam | Doubtful Answers

We are listing out some of the CSIR December 2014 Exam Doubtful Questions and their answers?

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Booklet A (Doubtful Questions/Answers).

24. Reaction products inhibit catalysis in enzymes by

a. Covalently binding to the enzyme
b. altering the enzyme structure.
c. occupying the active site. [CSIR Answer]
d. form a complex with the substrate

67. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique?

a. A fluorescence confocal microscope is used to detect signal
b. A labeled sequence of nucleotides used
c. Specific fluorescence tagged antibodies are used. [CSIR Answer]
d. A stringent washing step is essential to remove appearance of non specific signal

68. In an experiment to detect a new protein in fixed cells, no secondary antibody tagged with fluorescence dye
is available. What should be the best choice out of the following to detect the protein?
a. Protein A-FITC [CSIR Answer]
b. Protein A-Sepharose
c. Biotin-FITC
d. Avidin –FITC

74. Two homologous proteins were isolated from a psychrophile (P) and a thermophile (T). The purified proteins were subjected to denaturation, protease digestion and circular dichroism (CD). Following observations were made

A. The CD spectra of P and T proteins are identical
B. Their amino acid composition is 95% identical
C. T and P are equally susceptible to proteolysis in the presence or absence of reducing agent
D. T has higher midpoint of thermal denaturation than P

The reason for enhanced stability in T is due to
a. Altered secondary structure
b. Increased number of disulfides in T
c. Increase in water of hydration
d. Increase in number of salt bridges [CSIR Answer]

88. A promoter deletion study was done in order to determine the binding sites for a transcription factor on the promoter, which is activated on treatment with the drug 'X'. The following constructs were made


Luciferase assay revealed the following results


The following statements can be made.

A. Region between -1800 and -1210 contains a binding site for the activator.
B. Region between -868 and -1210 contains a binding site for a repressor.
C. Region between -868 and -432 contains a binding site for a repressor.
D. Region between -1210 and -868 contains a binding site for the activator.

Which of the above is/are true?

a. A and C
b. B and C
c. A and D [CSIR Answer]
d. B only

112. At 17 years, a 7 feet tall human was diagnosed with gigantism caused by pituitary tumor. The condition was surgically corrected by removal of the person's pituitary gland. Doctors advised hormonal therapy. The possible hormonal therapies that would be required for survival are

A. Thyroid hormone
B. Glccocorticoid
C. glucagon
D. Growth hormone
E. Insulin

Which one of the following combination can be used?

a. A and B only [CSIR Answer]
b. B and D only
c. A, B and D
d. A, C and E

More questions will be add soon (updated)

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  1. For question no. 24 booklet, CSIR answer is absolutely correct.
    In case of product inhibition, product of an enzymatic reaction binds to the active site and inhibits its activity. There's no doubt in that.

  2. Dear Anonymous (Great),

    Why product will bind to enzyme? if binds also why will it binds to active site. May be other than active site.

  3. As per the choices given in the question, I'll explain.
    product doesn't forms a complex with substrate because its the product inhibition to enzyme (nothing to do with substrate; refer to end product inhibition topic) so option D ruled out. For option A, had it been a covalent binding with enzyme then all the biochemical reactions in our body which involves end product inhibition would not have restored on removal of product, which is not true, so option A gone. and left option B same explanation;
    altering structure of enzyme or covalent modification comes under irreversible inhibitors. whereas in GENERAL product-enzyme is reversible i guess.
    So option C left. the most appropriate one

  4. Those Na and K ions
    that do change places across the membrane during an action
    potential are eventually pumped back by the Na /K -ATPase.
    Even if the Na /K -ATPase is inhibited, a neuron can often
    continue to fire thousands of impulses before the ionic gradients
    established by the pump’s activity are dissipated.
    Once the membrane of a neuron is depolarized to the
    threshold value, a full-blown action potential is triggered without
    further stimulation. This feature of nerve cell function is
    known as the all-or-none law. There is no in-between; subthreshold
    depolarization is incapable of triggering an action potential,
    whereas threshold depolarization automatically elicits a
    maximum response. It is also noteworthy that an action potential
    is not an energy-requiring process, but one that results from
    the flow of ions down their respective electrochemical gradients.
    Energy is required by the N /K -ATPase to generate the
    steep ionic gradients across the plasma membrane, but once
    that is accomplished, the various ions are poised to flow through
    the membrane as soon as their ion channels are opened.
    The movements of ions across the plasma membrane of
    nerve cells form the basis for neural communication. Certain
    local anesthetics, such as procaine and novocaine, act by closing
    ion channels in the membranes of sensory cells and neurons.
    As long as these ion channels remain closed, the affected
    cells are unable to generate action potentials and thus unable
    to inform the brain of events occurring at the skin or teeth.

  5. Doubtful question, part A Q.93... (CSIR ans 2)

  6. polyandry benefit for female...part-c...csir asked which is not coorrect from polyandry benefit....here all options are correct but csir gives the 3rd one.
