Department of Microbiology
Central University of Haryana
Mahendergarh, Haryana 123031
Applications are invited on plain A4 sized paper along with detailed CV for one post of
Junior Research Fellow in DST-SERB sponsored project entitled “Identification and
functional characterization of G4 DNA in Helicobacter pylori: a novel therapeutic target”,
purely on temporary basis. The details of the post are as follows:
Tenure of the Post : Initially for 6 months, extendable up to the completion of
the above mentioned 3 year project, subject to the
satisfactory performance of the candidate.
Essential Qualification : M.Sc. in Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Genetics/Life
sciences/ or in any other relevant subject with at least 60%
marks or equivalent.
Desirable Qualification : Research experience in Molecular biology and
Fellowship amount : As per norms of the funding agency i.e. Rs. 25,000 + HRA,
(for NET) if applicable per month.
How to apply : Interested candidates should send via email or post, their
detailed CV mentioning ; mobile number, e-mail address, academic qualification details,
research experience details, to the undersigned by 10th June, 2018.
Date and venue of Walk-in-interview: 12th June, 2018 at 2 PM in the Department of
Microbiology, 3rd Floor, Academic Block-I, Central University of Haryana, Jant-Pali,
Mahendergarh, Haryana -123031.
1. The above post is purely temporary for the sanctioned project and duration.
2. No TA/DA or any other allowances will be paid for attending the interview.
3. Fellowship may be cancelled at any time in case of:
a) Misconduct,
Unsatisfactory research work,
c) Lack of essential qualifications