PAU Ludhiana 141 004
Applications are invited for engagement of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in DBT Twinning
project for the NE, at ICAR-Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology (ICARCIPHET), Ludhiana, Punjab.
DBT Twinning project for the NE, titled “Refinement
of process protocol for preparation of traditional
fermented fish products of Northeast India by using
biotechnological tools and its process mechanization”
Likely Date of Project Completing : March 22, 2021
Place of Posting : ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana (Punjab)
Date and time of Interview : 21st January, 2021, 11:30AM
Place of interview : Conference Hall No. 2, ICAR-Central Institute of PostHarvest Engineering and Technology (ICAR-CIPHET),
PO; PAU, Ludhiana-141 004 (Punjab)
Essential Qualification : Master Degree in Fish Processing Technology/
Fisheries Sciences/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/
Animal Biotechnology with 4 years/ 5 years of
Bachelor’s Degree (as per O.M. Edn. 6/27/2014-HRD
dated 30.07.2019 of the council)
Candidates having Post-Graduate Degree in Basic
Sciences/ Biological Sciences including
Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology /Life
Sciences/ Food Science and Technology with 3 years
Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree should
have NET qualification and 2 years of research
experience as per OM Edn./6/27/2014/HRD dated 13th
July, 2015, OM No. Agril Edn. 6/27/2014-HRD dated
th October, 2015 of ICAR and OM SR/S9/Z-09/2018
of DST dated 30th January, 2019.
Desirable : Practical experience in molecular works as evident by
Preferable : Relevant research experience as evident from
thesis/dissertation/project work.
Remuneration : ₹31,000/- +20% HRA consolidated per month
Age limit : Male:35 yrs & Female: 40 yrs (with relaxation in case
of SC/ST/OBC and women as per existing rules)
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