


1. Overview of the Scheme Sl No Particulars Details 

1. Name of the Scheme KSCSTE Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme 

2. Beneficiary group Candidates qualified with Ph.D. in Science/Engineering subjects 

3. Objectives of the scheme 

 To support the research aptitude of Doctorate holders in Science & Technology. 
 To motivate Ph. D holders to pursue research and to develop career as scientists. 
 To motivate fellows and impart the skills needed for them to become lifelong learners and to develop technical and leadership skills. 

4. Who can apply and Time slot to apply 

i. Applicant should have scored minimum 60% marks for post-graduation. 
ii. Applicant should have qualified Ph.D. in Science / Engineering subjects. 
iii. Applicant should not be a permanent employee at the time of application for the scheme. 
iv. Those who have availed Post-Doctoral Fellowship earlier from KSCSTE or elsewhere are not eligible to apply for KSCSTE Post-Doctoral Fellowship. 

5. Age limit & relaxation 40 years - as on 1st January 2023 ( relaxed for 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC/ST) 

6. Kerala affiliation Applicant should be a Permanent Resident of Kerala. 

7. Research Centre for Post-Doctoral Research 

 Research Centre should not be the same as the Ph.D Research Centre 
 Research centre should preferably be in Kerala and should belong to the category of “Government Institutions” [however, premier National Institutions viz.,IISER, IIT, IISc etc outside the State shall also be considered ] - Tenable only in R&D institutions (National/State level) or University Departments. 

8. Publication requirements 

 Applicant should have published at least one research paper in a SCI Journal/secured patent. 

9. Scientist Mentor 

 Regular/Permanent employee of the Institute having minimum 5 years of service left for Superannuation 
 Should have secured Ph.D. in Science or Engineering subjects. 

10. Nature of support Financial (Post-Doctoral Fellowship) and Technical (In terms of evaluation and technical advice through Group Monitoring Workshops) 

11. Quantum of support Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship @ Rs. 45,000 + 10% HRA per month along with an Annual Contingent grant of Rs. 75,000/- 

12. Number of yearly Fellowships Maximum 20 nos. ( Actual sanction is subject to availability of Government grant) 

13. Subject area Seats to be allocated evenly to the following subject categories 

(i) Earth & Atmospheric Sciences 
(ii)Engineering Sciences 
(iii)Life Sciences 
(iv)Physical, Chemical & Mathematical sciences 

14. Duration of the project Maximum duration – 2 Years 

15. Release of grant Grant is released to Head of the Institution , through National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) 

16. Selection process 

 Preliminary scrutiny for eligibility verification 
 Technical review by five subject experts 
 Presentation of Project Proposal in the Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting and recommendation by PAC 
 Execution of Agreement 
 Issue of Sanction Order and release of first installment 

17. Mode of Application Online 

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