Form No.: VSI/Personnel/ Job Advt./ATB/2023-24/09.06.2023
Job Title* Walk-in-interview for the post of Research Assistant
(01 post) at the Department of Alcohol Technology
& Biofuels and interview will be held on 15th June 2023 at
10:00 am.
Company Profile VSI established in 1975 by the sugarcane growers of the cooperative sugar factories, is the only organization of its kind
in the World. The institute performs under one umbrella all
scientific, technical and educational functions relevant to the
Sugar Industry. The institute endeavor to improve and
increase the productivity in the Sugar Industry through three
main channels namely - Academics, Research and Extension.
VSI symbolizes a unique partnership between Sugar Industry,
the Scientific Community and the Cane Growers.
Name of the Post* Research Assistant
Name of Department* Alcohol Technology & Biofuels
Remuneration (Per month)* Consolidated Rs. 25,000/- pm
Job Profile*
Candidate will be involved in conducting research work
of the project “Nano-catalyst assisted hydrogen
production in sugar and distillery.”He/She will be
involved in the handling analytical instrument,
preparation of scientific reports, research papers,
progress reports and presentations.
Candidate having hands on experience in the area of
nanocatalysts, material science and its characterization,
hydrogen production, photocatalytic reactions, and
water splitting would be preferred.
Candidate with GATE/NET will be preferred.
Qualification* M.Sc. in Microbiology/ Biotechnology /
Chemistry/Nanoscience/Nanotechnology or M.E./M.Tech
in Chemical Engineering/ Nanotechnology
Experience* Fresher
Ref. No.* dated 07/06/2023
Location* Generally, by default is „Pune‟ and „Anywhere in India‟
Terms & Conditions*
This Post is Purely on Contractual basis for a period
of 11months which can be further extended on the basis
of their performance.
No TA or DA will be given to the candidates appear for
interview by the Institute.
The decision of the Selection Committee of the Institute
Form No.: VSI/Personnel/ Job Advt./ATB/2023-24/09.06.2023
will be final.
Institute reserves the rights to fill or cancel any post or all
posts without assigning any reasons thereof.
For location of VSI, see Location/ map.
Details of mode of application
Candidates are also requested to send their resume to the
below mentioned mail address before the interview.
interview will be conducted on 15th June 2023 at 10:00 am
Department of Alcohol Technology & Biofuels
Contact Information Dr. K. S. Konde
Head, Professor & Technical Adviser
Department of Alcohol Technology & Biofuels
Vasantdada Sugar Institute
Manjari (Bk.), Taluka: Haveli,
District: Pune.
PIN 412 307
Keywords* Nanomaterials, Photocatalysis, Hydrogen, Nanocatalysts our Twitter Channel to get Latest and more updates: Join Now!