Science Academies’ Lecture Workshop on
The Extended Genotype: The Role of the Microbial
Genome in Plant Growth and Development
13–15 May 2024
Sponsored by
Joint Science Education Panel,
Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru
In collaboration with
College of Agriculture Padannakkad
(Kerala Agricultural University), Kasaragod
The field of hologenomics has been catalysing a revolution in
plant biology research in recent years. The hologenome theory of
evolution has caused a paradigm shift in how we perceive plants:
from viewing them as individual entities to recognizing the plant
and its associated microbiome as a singular biological entity. This
workshop provides a diverse array of perspectives on microbiome
and hologenome concepts and on the decisive role of endophytes
in shaping plant growth and development to undergraduate and
graduate students, research scholars and young investigators
through interactive lectures and hands-on training sessions.
The technical sessions will be handled by Prof. R. Uma Shaanker
(IIT Jammu), Prof. T. S. Suryanarayanan (VINSTROM Chennai),
Prof. N. Nataraja Karaba (UAS Bengaluru), Dr R. Aswathi Nair
(CU Kerala), and other experts from KAU Thrissur.
candidates may contact the undersigned with a brief bio-data, and
a justification for applying to the course.
Dr K. H. Dhanyalakshmi,
Assistant Professor (Plant
Kerala Agricultural University (KAU),
College of