Division of Genetics
ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi - 110012
Applications are invited to attend Online interviews for post of Senior Research Fellow and Project
Associate-II posts in externally funded project purely on contractual basis (as indicated below) till 31st
March 2025 which will be held at Division of Genetics, ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
New Delhi 110 012 in online mode.
The eligible candidates are requested to send their application in the enclosed proforma along with
self-attested scanned copy of the original documents to the e-mail address geneticsbmgf@gmail.com
latest by 30th June 2024. After screening the applications, the eligible and selected candidates will be
informed about the details of the interview (Date and Time) by email. Original documents will be
verified at the time of interview. If any candidate is found to have submitted false claims at a later stage,
their candidature will be summarily rejected. The detailed address of the stations, number of posts,
essential and desirable qualifications, experience requirements and age limit for the respective posts are
mentioned below.
The details of the posts are as follows:
1 Senior Research
Fellow (SRF) in ICAR
Funded project entitled
approaches for
mapping of novel
gene(s)/ QTL(s) for
resistance/ tolerance
to different stressesin
Rice, Wheat,
Chickpea and Indian
mustard including
sheath blight complex
genomics and
mechanisms -
Rs. 35,000/+24% HRA
(with two yearsresearch
(As per ICAR
HRD Agri. Edn Dated
Degree only in Genetics/Plant
Breeding/Genetics and Plant
Breeding/seed Science/
Biotechnology with 4 years
bachelor’s degree and two years
M.Sc. or M. Tech (i.e. 4+2). Those
with 3 years bachelor’s degree
must have UGC/CSIR/ICAR valid
NET qualification or equivalent or
Ph.D in any of the above disciplines
(As per ICAR memorandum F. No.
Ag. Edn. 6/27/2014-HRD Agri.
Edn Dated 31.07.2019)
Two years’ experience in Research
in Industrial and Academic
Institutions ONLY or Science and
Technology Organizations and
Scientific activities and services as
evidenced by a certificate from an
2. SRF/Project
Associate- II in DBT
funded Project entitled:
“Characterization of
chickpea germplasm
resource to accelerate
crop improvement ”
Rs. 42000 per
month +24%
HRA for SRF or PA II
Rs 28000 +24 % HRA
1. Candidates selected through
National Eligibility Tests (for
Senior Research Fellow) as
mentioned in the DST office
memorandum No. DST/PCPM/2
06/2022 dated 26 June 2023
Non-NET qualified candidates
(for Project Associate II) as
mentioned in the DST office
memorandum No. SR/SS/Z05/2019, dated 10th July 2020
2. Having Graduate and Master’s
degree in Agriculture (4+2 years)
with specialization in Plant
Breeding and Genetics /Seed
Science and
(Agriculture or plant sciences as
evidenced by research) only.
3. Two years’ experience in
Research in Industrial and
Academic Institutions ONLY or
Science and Technology
Organizations and Scientific
activities and services as
evidenced by a certificate from an
• Candidate understanding
plant breeding trials,
experience of handling
field crops, crossing
techniques and statistical
analysis software like R
and software uploading
and analysis.
• The work involves going
for offseason crossing, trial
data capture for longer
periods all over India and
the candidate shall be
willing for the same.