Sree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Research Grant 2024
for Translational Biomedical Sciences
The Sree Padmavathi Venkateswara Foundation (SreePVF) located in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, is a private
foundation dedicated to promoting excellence in medical education and healthcare. With a vision to promote innovation
and progress in medicine, SreePVF established the Sree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Research Grants in 2019. This
annual grant aims to support individuals and groups involved in impactful ‘bench to bedside’ translational research.
Scope and focus areas: The grant invites applications from any branch of science and technology that involves cuttingedge ‘Bench to Bedside’ translational projects. These projects should lead to interventions that enhance the health of
individuals and the public. Eligible projects are those focused on addressing disease-related topics using advanced
techniques and analyses to provide translational solutions for illness or clinical problems. A key requirement of the grant
is that the proposed research should produce tangible outcomes within the three-year grant period that can be translated
into innovative tools, products, treatments or interventions within 3–5 years after the grant ends. These outcomes are
envisioned to be accessible and cost-effective, benefiting large segments of the population. However, this grant does not
cover climate change, agricultural sciences and ecological sciences.
Eligibility: Interested individuals and teams affiliated with universities, research and development institutions, medical
centres and recognized non-profit research organizations in India are eligible to apply. The minimum eligibility criteria for
applicants is a Ph.D./M.D./M.S. degree or equivalent. The lead Principal Investigator (PI) must be below 50 years of age
(with a 5-year age exception for women candidates).
Budget: The grant offers a maximum budget of Rs 3 Crores for a three-year project. Eligible expenses include
equipment, research personnel, consumables, local and international travel, local hospitality, contingency, overheads,
outsourcing and other project-related costs such as training and awareness programmes, workshops, publications and
review meetings, based on the project’s requirements.
Application procedure: For more information and to access the application form, please visit:
Applications must be submitted to
The deadline for submitting the three-year proposal is
18 September 2024