ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive and Child Health
Mumbai 400012
Advertisement No. ICMR-NIRRCH/PROJ./UC/294/2023
Walk-in interview will be conducted on 18th November 2024 for the following temporary vacancy under non-institutional ad-hoc project, to be held at
ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive & Child Health, J.M. Street, Parel, Mumbai 400012; Reporting Time: 10.15 AM (Interview Time:
11.00 AM to 01.00 PM).
Title of project: "Eutopic Endometrial Cell Repertoire in Women Presenting Different Subtypes of Endometriosis and its Association with
Endometrial Receptivity” funded by Indian Council of Medical Research.
Rs. 56,000/- +
27% HRA
= Rs. 71,120/-
First Class Post Graduate Degree,
including the integrated PG degrees in
life sciences, biotechnology,
biochemistry, Applied biology.
Second Class Post Graduate Degree
including the integrated PG degrees
with PhD in life sciences, Applied
biology, biotechnology, biochemistry.
Working experiences in cell
culture, flow cytometry,
molecular biology,
bioinformatics, genomics and
single cell sequencing.
One Year