NIOT Chennai Recruits Project Scientists/RA/SRF/JRFs [44 Posts]

(Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India) 
NIOT Campus, Velachery-Tambaram Main Road, Pallikaranai, 
Chennai – 600

ADVERTISEMENT No. NIOT/E&P/05/2024 (Project) 

National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai, an autonomous R&D organization under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, invites online applications through the website link for the following positions in various disciplines on contract basis for various projects carried out by NIOT as mentioned below:- 

Details of the posts with discipline, Essential qualification, age limit and the job- requirements etc., 

Name of the Post : Project Scientist – III 

Maximum age limit : 45 years (Age relaxation as per Govt. of India norms) 

Emoluments : Rs. 78,000/- + HRA (Increment of 5% for every two years of experience subject to performance review) 

Post Code: PSIII-LS 

M.Sc. in Marine Biology/ Marine Science/ Zoology from a recognized university / Institute with 60%marks in the qualifying degree level with Seven years’ experience in Research in the fields of marine biology, open sea cage culture, zooplankton & phytoplankton analysis, sea water quality testing. 

Ph. D. in the field of Marine Biology/ Marine Science from recognized University/National laboratory. 

 Should be capable of Planning and carrying out analysis related to isolation and culture of marine micro & macro algal, breeding, larval rearing of finfish and offshore cage culture. 
 Physico-chemical analysis of seawater and analysis and culture of phytoplankton/Zooplankton for ballast treatment testing. 
 Participation in scientific cruise and field studies. 

Life Science (2 Posts) (Un-reserved) 


M.Sc. in Marine Biology/ Marine Science/ Zoology/ Microbiology from a recognized university/ Institute with 60% marks in the qualifying degree level. 

With Three years’ of research experience in the field of marine biology, marine microbiology, open sea cage culture, zooplankton & phytoplankton analysis, sea water quality testing. 

 Ph. D. in Marine Biology/ Marine Science/ Zoology/ Microbiology from a recognized university. 
 Should be capable of Planning and carrying out analysis related to Isolation and culture of marine micro & macro algal, breeding, Isolation and characterization of marine microbes/ larval rearing of finfish and offshore cage culture. 
 Physico-chemical analysis of seawater and analysis and culture of phytoplankton/ Zooplankton for ballast treatment testing. 
 Participation in scientific cruise and field studies. 

Life Science (5 Posts) UR-3 OBC-2 (one post will be suitable for PwD – Locomotor disability / cerebral palsy) 

Post Code: PSI-LS 

M.Sc. in Marine Biology/ Marine Science/ Zoology from a recognized university / Institute with 60% marks in the qualifying degree level. 

 Ph.D. Marine Biology / Marine Science/ Zoology from a recognized University / Institute. 
 Should be capable of planning and carrying out analysis related to Isolation and culture of marine micro & macro algal, breeding, larval rearing of finfish and offshore cage culture., Cell and Developmental Biology of Marine Organisms / Physiological, Neurological and Behavioral Biology of Marine Organisms/ culture of phytoplankton, zooplankton. 
 Physico-chemical analysis of seawater and analysis and culture of phytoplankton / zooplankton for ballast treatment testing experiments/ pollutants, Microplastics / Marine Biodiversity, Taxonomy. 
 SCUBA Diving for coastal sample collection and analysis. 
 Preparation of projects, reports, technology development and transfer 
 Participation in scientific cruise and field studies.

Biotechnology (2 Posts) UR-1, OBC-1


M.Sc in Biotechnology/ Marine Biotechnology from a recognized university / Institute with 60% marks in the qualifying degree level. or B.E. / B.Tech in Biotechnology from a recognized university / Institute with 60% marks in the qualifying degree level. Ph.D./M.Tech./ M.E. in Biotechnology//Marine Biotechnology. 

 Planning and carrying out analysis related marine biology and related marine bioengineering / Marine Biotechnology/Genomics and Proteomics/Metagenomics/Bioin formatics/genetic Engineering /Molecular Biological studies/ tissue regeneration, wound healing /gene expression/Bioactive product isolation and characterization /handling of highly sophisticated scientific equipments 
 Computational and System Biology of Marine Organisms/ Participation in scientific cruise and field studies. 
 Preparation of projects report, technology development and transfer.

Microbiology / Marine Microbiology ( 01-Post) OBC-1 

Post Code: PSI-MB 

M.Sc. / B.Tech. in Microbiology / Marine Microbiology from a recognized university / Institute with 60% marks in the qualifying degree level. 

Ph. D. /M.Tech. in the field of Marine Microbiology from a recognized university. 

 Should be capable of planning and carrying out analysis related marine microbiology, marine microbial ecology and related marine microbial engineering, 
 planning and carrying out Isolation, culture, characterization, molecular and genomic analysis of marine microbes// Metagenomics / Bioinformatics / Bioactive product Isolation and characterization. 
 Handling of highly sophisticated scientific equipments 
 Participation in scientific cruise and field studies/ Interpretation of results. 
 Preparation of projects, reports, technology development and transfer 

Bioinformatics (01-Post) Unreserved1(Locomotor disability /cerebral palsy category may be suitable for this post) 

Post Code: PSI-BI 

M.Sc/ B.Tech in Bioinformatics from a recognized University / National laboratories with 60% marks in the qualifying degree level 

Ph. D. /M.Techin the field of Bioinformatics from a recognized university 

 Should be capable of planning and carrying out genomic and metagenomic analysis of marine microbes/development of bioinformatics pipelines 
 Participation in scientific cruise and field studies /Interpretation of results /compilation of reports.

Life Sciences (11Posts) UR-7, ST-1, SC-1(post will be suitable for PwD – Locomotor disability /cerebral palsy category/ Hearing impairment) OBC-2 


Bachelor’s degree in Zoology / Botany /Biochemistry from a recognized University / Institute with 60% marks. 

 Master’s degree in Marine Biology/ Marine Science/ Marine Biotechnology / Botany /Zoology / Biochemistry from a recognized University 
 Two years experience (after obtaining essential educational qualification) in Research and Development in the area listed in job requirement. 
 Capable of carrying out preparatory works in the laboratory for research and development pertaining to marine micro & macro algal / offshore cage culture / physicochemical / biological analysis of seawater. 
 Participation in scientific cruise / SCUBA diving and field work. 

Bio-Technology/ Micro Biology (7 posts) 


Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology/ Biotechnology from a recognized University/Board with 60% marks. 

 Master’s degree in Marine Microbiology / Biotechnology / Bioinformatics from a recognized University /National laboratories. 
 Two years experience (after obtaining essential educational qualification) in Govt. Dept. / Organization/ Autonomous Body / Research and Development in the area listed in job requirement. 
 Capable of carrying out preparatory works in the laboratory for research and development pertaining to marine genome/ metagenome analysis 
 Development and maintenance of bioinformatics tools and database. 
 Participation in scientific cruises and field studies.

Bioinformatics (3 Posts) UR-2, OBC-1( suitable for PwD – Hearing Impairment category/ Locomotor disability /cerebral palsy category ) 

Post Code: PSA-BI 

Bachelor’s degree in Bioinformatics from a recognized university / Institute with 60% marks in the qualifying degree level 

 Master’s degree in Bioinformatics from a recognized university / 
 Two years experience (after obtaining essential educational qualification) in Govt. Dept. / Organization/ Autonomous Body / Research and Development in the area listed in job requirement. 
 Should be capable of carrying out preparatory works in the laboratory for research and development pertaining to Bioinformatics analysis of marine genomic and metagenomic data/ Development of Bioinformatics tools. 
 Participation in scientific cruise and field studies.

Name of the Post : Research Associate (RA)

LIFE SCIENCE (5 Post) (UR-3, SC-1, OBC-1) Post Code RA-LS (One post at ACOSTI, SRI VIJAYA PURAM ISLAND) 

Doctoral Degree in Microbiology/Biotechnology/Bioin formatics Or M. Tech in Biotechnology / Bioinformatics from a recognized University / National laboratories with three years R&D experience research, teaching, design & development after acquiring M.Tech and having at least one publication in SCI journal. 

 Research / analysis works in the laboratory in characterization and Bioprospection of marine microbes/Genomic and metagenomic analysis of marine samples. 
 Development of Bioinformatics tools. 
 Participation in scientific cruise and field studies.

Name of the Post : Senior Research Fellow (SRF)

Life Science (9 Posts) (UR-4, ST-1, SC-1, OBC-2, EWS-1) 


 M.Sc. in Marine Biology/Marine Science /Microbiology/Biotechnology/Bioinform atics from a recognized university / Institute with 60% with two years of research experience (OR) B.E./B.Tech in Biotechnology/ Bioinformaticsfrom a recognized university / Institute with 60% marks 
 Having cleared any one of the following examination. a. CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE 
b. National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, CMR, IIT, IISc, IISER, etc., 
 With two years of research experience 
 Research and analysis works in the laboratory in marine microbes. 
 Algae isolation and cultureCharacterization and Bioprospection of marine microbes /Genomic and metagenomic analysis of marine samples / Marine finfish breading, larval rearing and cage culture / water quality parameters measurements. 
 Participation in scientific cruise and field studies.

Name of the Post : Junior Research Fellow (JRF)


 M.Sc. in Marine Biology/Marine Science /Microbiology /Biotechnology /Bioinformaticsfrom a recognized university / Institute with 60% marks. (OR) B.E./ B.Tech. in Biotechnology / Bioinformaticsfrom a recognized university / Institute with 60% marks. 
 Having cleared any one of the following examination. a) CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE b) National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER, etc., 
 Research and analysis works in the laboratory in marine microbes.  Algae isolation and culture Characterization and Bioprospection of marine microbes /Genomic and metagenomic analysis of marine samples / Marine finfish breading, larval rearing and cage culture / water quality parameters measurements. 
 Participation in scientific cruise and field studies.

How to apply for the posts: 
1. The online application form is available on NIOT website. 
2. The candidates applying for the posts should apply on-line through web link and shall download the filled in application form generated online and produce the same at the time of registration for interview/ Test on the scheduled dates as follows :

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